Yggdrasil - The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life Motif in Tabletop RPGs

The tree of life concept has fascinated mankind for millenniums.

Only a quick survey of mythology and folklore reveals an array of diverse cultures with similar stories.

In fact, the idea of life being connected and spreading out like a giant tree, is nearly universal.

The motif of the tree of life can be used in your tabletop RPG campaigns to add weight and infuse mystery.

Yggdrasil - Tree of Life RPG

Here are several ways to use the tree of life motif in your campaigns.

What is the Tree of Life?

First, let’s look at what the tree of life has symbolized.

The tree of life motif has come to have religious, philosophical, and even scientific meanings.

In religions, the tree can connect heaven, earth, and the underworld. It can stand as guardian before these realms as well. Also, it is found in numerous creation stories.

The connection to birth, life, and death cannot be understated. The image of a tree, illustrating life from birth to death, is powerful.

Philosophical systems use the tree concept to explain their assumptions about life and nature. It also gives a framework for meaning in a system of thought.

Scientific theories use the motif as a metaphor for the interconnection of lifeforms and the planet.

Artwork and Architecture

The simplest way to use the motif in your campaigns is to mention it in the descriptions of artwork and architecture.

When the party enters the throne room, take note of how a depiction of the tree of life is carved on the entire back wall.

Perhaps an old wizard’s staff is crafted to resemble the tree of life.

Tapestries, wall hangings, doors, amulets, rings, illuminated manuscripts, book covers, coats of arms, emblems, and tattoos can incorporate the theme of the tree.

These may be small details, but they can transport the player into a more tangible and genuine world.

Quest Giver

Using the tree of life as a recurring quest giver will give your campaign gravity. Any task the tree of life entrusts to the adventurers will invariably altar the fabric of nature.

The quests should be intertwined with the destiny of the world or even the cosmos. At the very least, whole lands and people groups are at stake.

Quest Object

The party’s object may be to find the tree of life to fulfill the requirements of a quest.

Usually, a quest like this would be assigned to the heroes as an impossible task.

The miller’s son desires to marry the king’s daughter. The king says he will grant permission only if the miller’s son finds the tree of life. Of course, the king believes he has gotten rid of this poor boy.

The old wizard says in jest he will only teach you magic if you bring him an acorn from the tree of life.

Another possibility is that the tree is dying and the party has to save it.

Knowledge Giver

The party may have an entirely unrelated quest. However, they need a piece of information only the tree of life possesses. This knowledge should be incredibly special and secret.

The tree of life may also give the characters insights into their own pasts or futures.

Random Encounter

While traveling in distant lands, the party may happen to discover the tree of life.

It could be a mythical occurrence filling the characters with wonder and awe. They do not get to communicate with it, only be awed by its presence.

Gift Giver

The tree may give the party a boon of some kind. It could be physical, spiritual, or magical in nature.

Perhaps the tree holds a seed or fruit that provides the party or a character with special abilities.

The tree could be the only being that can heal a specific injury or disease. Also, resurrections may be possible.

The fountain of youth is often interwoven with tree of life myths. It probably doesn’t need to be mentioned, but the fountain of youth is the very stuff quests are made of.

Also, the tree could provide the key to the underworld, just like the Golden Bough of the Aeneid.


An unorthodox use of the motif is as villain. Indeed, the tree of life would make a tremendously powerful opponent.

The tree could be seeking to destroy mankind and other intelligent races for perceived grievances.

It could have been corrupted in some way, and the characters have to restore it.


Usually, destroying the tree of life is considered an act of ultimate evil. Any characters that harm the tree will be punished by others, the gods, even nature itself.

Although, an alternative is to have the destruction of the tree usher in the age of science. The tree needs to be destroyed because evil magic has grown too powerful.

However, the destruction means that all magic will fade from the world, and mankind alone will ascend in power. Other races will diminish.

Science Fiction

I have been speaking mainly about using the motif in fantasy settings. However, it can be used in science fiction as well.

It is important to note that the tee of life is a cosmic and mythical force and being. It is not merely an intelligent tree.

The tree of life could be an entire planet or even a space-borne entity. Regardless, it can fill the same roles as above.

RPG Scenario Ideas

A short list of ideas you can alter and expand for your RPG campaigns.

  • Retrieve a fruit needed for its healing properties
  • Retrieve a feather from a bird that resides in the tree
  • Seek advice from a teacher who meditates under the tree
  • The tree is the path to heaven, or hell, or other spiritual realm
  • The ancient tree of life has died, the party must plant the last seed in a distant land
  • A village of guardians reside around the tree
  • A member of the party must become the tree of life to restore the world
  • The tree is actually a small bonsai that needs to be carried to a new, protected location
  • Four trees represent the four corners of the earth. The quest takes the party to each for different powers or knowledge
  • The party must perform a ritual near the tree
  • An evil beast has taken up residence in the tree, now all of nature is being corrupted

Additional Research

Hopefully, these thoughts have sparked your imagination, and you will be able to deepen your RPG campaigns with the tree of life motif.

For additional information about using terrains and other types of trees, you can download my free Forests Gamemaster Guide.

If you want to get a better sense of how different cultures have viewed the motif, this page is a good starting point: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_life