Random D&D Race and Class Tables

Random D&D Race and Class Tables

Random D&D Race and Class Tables

A friend in my gaming group created these two D&D Race and Class tables.

These random tables come in handy while playing D&D. Often a dungeon master or players need a random fantasy race or character class.

Hanging out in inns or taverns, traveling along the road, or strolling about towns always presents the opportunity to meet an NPC. Just roll percentile dice and get an NPC in seconds.

D&D Race and Class Random Tables

Race (D100) Roll Class (D100) Roll
Mountain Dwarf 1-9 Barbarian 1-5
Hill Dwarf 10-18 Bard 6-16
High Elf 19-27 Cleric 17-25
Wood Elf 28-36 Druid 26-32
Lightfoot Halfling 37-51 Fighter 33-47
Stout Halfling 52-56 Monk 48-52
Human 57-81 Paladin 53-64
Dark Elf 82-82 Ranger 65-70
Dragonborn 83-86 Rogue 71-82
Forest Gnome 87-88 Sorcerer 83-85
Rock Gnome 89-90 Warlock 86-88
Half Elf 91-95 Wizard 89-100
Half Orc 96-97
Tiefling 98-100

Dungeons and Dragons Race and Class Resources

1D100 D&D Race and Class Tables

Random tables are a DM’s best friend. Use these to save time while preparing for the next D&D session.