dicegeeks.com tabletop RPG show

Dinosaurs, Scifi vs Fantasy Monsters with the Monster Professor

Dinosaurs as monsters, The incomplete skeleton of Cetiosauriscus stewarti (BMNH R3078) mounted prior to display in around
1903. Photographed in the BMNH, and reproduced courtesy of the Leeds family, with layout by J. J. Liston. Note

the similarity of this photograph to the drawing of the skeleton in Woodward (1905); previously figured in Anon. (1924) and Naish & Martill (2008).[1][2]

The Monster Professor creeps onto the podcast once again. Join the Monster Professor and me on a wild ride through terrifying monsters and learn how to use them in your D&D and RPG campaigns. We tackle dinosaurs, those enigmatic beasts from earth’s past. Why are they scary? Are they scary? Find out. Also, we explore monsters in fantasy realms vs. monsters from the star and science fiction. How are they different? Are they any different? Then we compare the classic monsters like the wolfman, the mummy to modern monsters like the shape and the terminator. Plus along the way, you’ll get a heaping dose of b-movie trivia, jokes, and digressions into deep monster lore.

Monster Professor Books and Links

Check Josh’s books and listen to his podcast.

Josh has been on the Dicegeeks podcast several times. Check out these episodes.