role of gm

Gamemasters: Never Be Afraid to Retcon

role of gm

Running an RPG session without prepping can certainly lead to mistakes. However, I made a ton of mistakes even when I spent hours prepping.

A gamemaster should never be afraid to retcon. Backtracking a bit to set something right is perfectly acceptable and players should understand that the even best GMs make mistakes.

If You Make a Mistake, Correct It

If you make a mistake always feel like you can correct it. Stepping back a turn or fixing something in narration is always acceptable to correct a mistake that you’ve made.

Although, you should use your judgment. Retconning can cause confusion and delay a session wasting precious play time.

Make Sure it Really Shafted a Player

If the mistake really shafted a player or broke a scene or it was a blatant misuse of a certain rule then, by all means, stop the session and do it over again.

If it Was Minor, Move Forward

If the mistake was minor and did not seriously affect game play, just move forward. Then make sure to correct the issue during the rest of the session or campaign.

Retcon Tips During RPG Session

Here are some tips on how to handle retconning during play.

  • Do a simple do over if the mistake is discovered quickly.
  • Don’t allow your pride or arrogance to keep you from fixing a mistake.
  • Listen to your players, but you make the call on how to fix the mistake.
  • If the mistake happened in a previous session, just fix it with narration.
  • If the mistake led to character death or something extremely detrimental to the party, fix it even if it means retconning a whole session or more.
  • If the mistake outlandishly or unreasonably benefited the party, retcon it even though your players may object.

Of course, you should always use your judgement of how bad a mistake was and if retconning or living with it is what you and your gaming group want to do.

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