Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Character Sheet

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Character Sheet

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Character Sheet

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay character sheet collection. This is the page where I’m gathering all the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay character sheets I can find.

So far there are official sheets and sheets from around the web. Of course, WFRP has had several editions. The main links here are to the fourth edition, but I’ll be adding other editions as well.

I am also doing my best to find fillable, editable, and printer-friendly character sheets. Plus I’ve linked to the WFRP core rules and a few supplements.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Character Sheets – 4th Edition

The above character sheets are the official ones from the publisher. One is the standard character for the 4th edition and the other is printer-friendly. Below is a first-edition sheet.

WFRP Character Sheets – Around the web

WFRP Core Rules and Supplements