A Series of Unfortunate Decisions – RPG Show

Paul Miles gives us the rundown of a new RPG Twitch channel.

Mutants & Masterminds RPG

A Series of Unfortunate Decisions first campaign will be Mutants & Masterminds

What is “A Series of Unfortunate Decisions”?

"A Series of Unfortunate Decisions" is the name of our Twitch channel.  It's a catch-all name for what I hope becomes a series of RPG/tabletop shows.  The first show being our Mutants & Masterminds campaign that will start in the next week or so.

How did it come about?

For me, it's an excuse to start role playing.  I have two jobs (I work in a warehouse and I'm the general manager of a semi-pro football team) and my partner and our friends and family keep me busy most of the time. 
So to be able to get some time for a hobby, I have to build dedicated time into my schedule for it.  I've been trying to find a way to get into a game with our GM, Chris, for a while.  I couldn't commit to his regular game, so I decided the best way was to get a couple people together on Skype & Roll20
When I started to put the idea together, I looked around Twitch and saw that there was an opportunity to build an RPG community beyond what Geek & Sundry and Roll20 does.  So I'm hoping that out of this first Mutants & Masterminds game we can build a network of actual plays, tabletop game shows and talk shows and get the RPG scene active on Twitch.

What game are you playing?

Our first campaign is going to be Mutants & Masterminds.  I wanted to do something different from the other RPG shows on Twitch, which are all D&D or D&D-esque.

What sets A Series of Unfortunate Decisions apart from other actual plays?

I don't know what necessarily sets us apart, but I can say that we are focusing on the game as a means to tell a compelling story.  We want to engage and entertain the audience, so it will be more about the game and less about the mechanics.  And to go the other way, I hope that I could say that if you like Acquisitions Inc (the Penny Arcade D&D podcast/live show), then you should enjoy Unfortunate Decisions' Mutants & Masterminds show.
How can we watch?
We will be broadcasting live Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7 PM Eastern on http://www.twitch.tv/unfortunatedecisions with the archive going up to YouTube afterwards.  We're also on Twitter @UnfortunateRPG.  And if anybody has a game or a game idea that they would like to bring to Unfortunate Decisions, I can be emailed at unfortunate.decisions.rpg@gmail.com.  I'm definitely interested in adding some shows to the schedule.

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