Transformers RPG

Transformers RPG

Transformers RPG

Transformers RPG! After an 80s cultural touchstone, a vast and continuing movie franchise, and a decades-long comics run here comes the tabletop RPG for Transformers.

Now, you can create your own robot in disguise and wage war against the evil Decepticons. Check out this RPG from Renegade Game Studios.

Also, scroll down to get the free Transformers character sheet PDF. Plus learn more about the first adventure the new role-playing game.

Transformers RPG Core Rulebook

From the DriveThruRPG product:

“In the Transformers Roleplaying game, create your own Autobot character and wage your battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons! Whether defending Earth against Megatron’s plans of attack, searching for elusive stores of Energon, or protecting innocent humans and Cybertronians alike, your game is only limited by the stories you create!

“This book contains everything you need to create your own Transformers robot character and play the game – just add dice, some friends, and your imagination.”

Also, check out the first role-playing game adventure for Transformers.

Transformers RPG Character Sheet