Solar Flare Games – Dave Killingsworth Interview

You Better Run Through Nightmare Forest

Taking a bit of a detour into board games today with Solar Flare Games', Dave Killingsworth. 

Board Game

Kickstarting on Jan. 28th

When did your love of board games start?

​I have always liked games in general but I used to play board games with my family and that family time is what I love. Using my games to promote family interaction makes me very excited and happy.​

What prompted you to design games?

​Over 20 years ago I used to to play a Play By Email (PBEM) game called VGA Planets. I designed the first addons for that and found that I had a knack for designing systems and game mechanics. So I just started working on other ideas from there.​

How did Solar Flare Games come about?

​I saw a picture of a sun through a special lens and it was blue. Thought it was gorgeous and pretty and I always wanted to use the name. When I seriously started working on Thrash-Car that was when I felt the name would be a great fit for a game company name. Bright, fun and exciting.​ So I formed a company and started designing and publishing.

Solar Flare GamesCan you give us a rundown of a few of your games?

Thrash-Car was the first. It looks like a racing game but it is a screw your neighbor based in a tongue and cheek would of racing. Its exciting and fun and very take that. More cars get destroyed then ever finish the races.

Dumpster Brawl was second. Used to play a lot of rummy with ​my grandfather and felt like this would be a great gateway back for family and kids to play a game that would bring them back to the table and engage in an analog way and be fund and quick.

Nightmare Forest is kickstarting Jan 28 and its sidescroller meets cards and dice. Mad dash for the road to escape a forest filled with zombie forest critters...only one of you gets out alive...

The Lords of Rock is later this year for kickstarter - pick a pantheon of gods - assemble a rock band and battle for control of the universe (cards only)

Titan Wars - 2017 - worker placement, giant robots you upgrade and monsters lots of monsters.

Tell us about Nightmare Forest.

​Nightmare Forest: Dead Run is a game designed around my classic love of side scrolling games. Rygar, Pittfall etc. You wake up the forest is overrun with zombie forest critters. You grab some gear and make a mad dash for the road. You have to kill all the zombies in your path through the forest and be the first to escape. If you are not the first to escape you are eaten. You can search for gear, combat zombies and even some amount of weapon crafting. Roll dice and fight and run. Quick and exciting. The game plays 40min or less for even 6 people so light fun filler that everyone can connect with and turns the zombie genre a little sideways with no human zombies.

Nightmare Forest: Dead Run's Kickstarter launches on Jan 28th. How can people help out?

The KS link is that link is good before (you can click the star to tell you when it launches) and you can see the preview video. See the art and many other things. The earlier everyone backs the better chance we have to add better parts and more critters.

NMF has the potential if it does well for me to do 2 other concepts in the Nightmare Forest that use different mechanics but could allow use of all the NMF DR cards. The 2 expansions would have different mechanics you could then play with any set of the game. So fun exciting and expandable.

Please feel free to share the art and links on your social media the funding level isn't high and the game is a lot of great fun.

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