dicegeeks.com tabletop RPG show

Running Superhero RPGs with Game Designer Steve Kenson (Mutants and Masterminds, The Expanse RPG)

Mutants and Masterminds RPG

Game designer and writer, Steve Kenson, joins me on the podcast today. Steve has designed and written a wide variety of tabletop role-players. He is the designer of Mutants and Masterminds as well as The Expanse RPG. He is also a staff writer for Green Ronin. We discuss running superhero RPGs and the popularity of superhero movies and TV shows. He gives some great strategies for superhero RPG game masters. We touch on the genesis of Mutants and Masterminds and his design work on The Expanse RPG. Don’t miss this episode.

Steve Kenson and Green Ronin RPG Links

The Expanse RPG

Steve has designed an incredible array of role-playing games. Below are simply a few of the many RPGs designed by him.

Steve’s Website, Social Media, and Patreon