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TV Writing, Heroes, and Andromeda with Ethlie Ann Vare

TV Writing, Heroes, and Andromeda with Ethlie Ann Vare
Ethlie Ann Vare was a writer on Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda

Author, journalist and television writer Ethlie Ann Vare joins me on the podcast today. We discuss her career writing for TV shows like Earth: Final Conflict, Beastmaster, Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda, and more. Ethlie tells us what makes a great story and how TV episodes come together in the writing room. She shares some excellent bits of trivia for Andromeda fans like why Tyr wears chainmail and how the studio pressure affected the show. Also, she tells us what the difference is between a Star Trek hero and a Star Wars hero.

Ethlie Ann Vare Books and Links

Be sure to check out Ethlie’s books or her website. I’ve also included links to a couple of the TV shows she used to write for.

Ethlie Ann Vare Books and Links