Chronica: Age of Exploration Campaign Setting – Interview Zac Angel

Age of Exploration Pathfinder Style

Give your Pathfinder campaigns some new spice. Zac Angel's, Chronica: Age of Exploration, let's you role-play Pathfinder in one of the most compelling times in human history.

RPGWhen did you discover role-playing games?

At a very young age (8 or so), I discovered my Dad's AD&D books. He ran a short campaign and I've been playing all sorts of tabletops ever since.

What is Chronica?

Chronica is my vision of an alternate history campaign setting. Age of Exploration is the first publication in the series, exploring what might have happened when the New World was discovered under different circumstances. Several civilizations that had no or limited interactions coexist in Chronica thanks to the presence of magic and long lived races. The book will include everything that GMs and players need to run a game in the setting, including player options, setting information, and rule variants specific to Chronica: Age of Exploration.

RPG MapTell us about Age of Exploration. What sets it apart from other campaign settings?

I tried my best to make the defining characteristics of the heroes and villains to be less about race and more about region. Race is still important, but I just love the idea of the same elf build turning out different depending on where she's from.

Give us the lowdown on the Kickstarter.

The Kickstarter is currently funded, and we're working towards our first stretch goal. The basic reward tiers for the PDF and the physical book with US shipping starts at $10 and $25 respectively. There's a bunch of goodies available at higher tiers, including a 4-pack of books, dice, buttons for use as tokens, and varying levels of credit. You can also have direction input on what goes into the book from traits, spells, and factions; you can even help me design an entire region! The campaign is scheduled to end on 5/6 3AM EST.

How can people help?

There are two ways that fans of alternate history or Pathfinder can help:

1. Back the project! If you're interested in higher level tiers, I would advise splitting the cost with friends. This will make rewards from custom factions to designing entire regions more accessible while helping us reach stretch goals more easily.

2. Signal boost! Share the Kickstarter with everyone! Share the Kickstarter page on your Facebook; even if you think you don't know anyone who plays tabletops or already have a friend who posted it, you're going to have different networks. Exposure is king.

Are there more projects in the works?

I'd like to dedicate my focus to delivering this project first, but once it's delivered, I'd really like to cover the Industrial Revolution and the World Wars. I'm also planning some small expansions that cover the regions in greater detail and introduce some content that didn't make the core book. I'm most excited about using community feedback to shape the world of Chronica; I'll be keeping a close eye on the community and model future events and books on your experiences.